NYC Day 2-9

So ten days or so have passed since the beginning of this trip to shape my upcoming Fringe Show "Front Line" with Director Yana Landowne and it’s all a blur. It feels like I arrived in NYC a month ago, and I have to check my calendar to remember all that has happened. I don’t think my brain can process information as fast as the pace required in this city that never sleeps. So now I am in the airport, waiting to board my plane back to Edinburgh and It all feels very very weird. I have a ton of photos and videos that have been shot, and will try to do my best to follow my journey. DAY 2 So on the second day at Yana’s we rehearse for three hours and immediately afterwards we leave to go to a restaurant where we drink Prosecco and eat oysters (my first time ever!). It is very classy and tasty and hip but doesn’t cost a bomb because it’s happy hour… After a healthy dose of fish Yana has to take a phone call and while she talks we walk to one of her director frien...