Quirky Questions that Matter...


How did you meet your best friend? 

I was about twelve and part of a group of girlfriends. One day a new girl came to school and I suggested we invite her into our group. However, another girl in the group objected. She wanted to leave the new girl out for the simple reason that she was new. I refused to let this happen and believing in the power of my own authority I said: “If she is not allowed in then I don't want to be part of this group either.” Unfortunately, that meant I was kicked out. I became best friends with the new girl but we both were bullied by the group as a result. It was not a good experience but I am still friends with her about thirty years later.

What’s your favorite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever used it for real?

Has anybody ever told you that you have the most gorgeous hair?
I have used it on a total stranger with gorgeous red hair sitting on a park bench.
However when the guy smiled and said “No!” I became flustered and ran away!

What's the meaning of life?

There is no real meaning. The meaning of life is what we give it. For me,
it is about learning what reality is, what life is all about, and learning to find joy
in the simple things. It is about being able to look back on my death bed and knowing that I did not waste my life wallowing in fear but I lived my life to the fullest.

Favorite age you've been so far?

Ten. I used to write a story a day. I didn't care about much else.
What superpower would you like to have for a day?
I would love to have the power to step into somebody else's head for a day and live life as them. I want to know what it is like to be somebody else.

What would you tell your younger self?

You are loved. You belong. You can do anything you want. Only do what you love. Forget about other people's opinions. Believe in yourself. Go to music school!

Have you ever had a dream at night that later came true?

I once dreamed that an acquaintance (a friend of a friend I had met twice ) was thinking of committing suicide. I woke up and since this was way before the internet and I was living in Italy while this man was living in New Zealand, I wrote a poem and sent it to him trying to stop him from ending his life. After a couple of years, I met him again at a party in New Zealand. After making sure we were alone he asked me: how did you know?



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