To all my "fans"

There are people out there, people I don't know , who have listened to some of my music and have left messages about it for me. Some mornings I have woken up to some of these messages and they have changed the way I looked at the day and even at my life. Lately my life has been pretty hard, and I have had times of feeling low and despondent. I have had times when I doubted my resolve to think of myself as a recording artist and I have thought I perhaps should give up and stop believing anybody would be interested in my work. It is at such times that I would receive a message from someone which would make me understand that there are people out there that "my" music has somehow reached and in doing so I have not failed in my attempts to communicate. I say "my" music in brackets because although I composed it music isn't mine or anyone's. I think of myself as a conduit for something which doesn't belong to me or to anyone else. What I find exciting in making it emerge from wherever it comes from is the fact that somehow I am trying to communicate the beauty and the truth of what I feel is inside me and "out there" and if someone has captured the message, so to speak, then there is an invisible link between me and these people and between them and others and some kind of subtle communication has indeed taken place. This excites me because it makes me feel part of something bigger, it gives my life a new meaning, and it connects me to people I have something in common with. This fact makes me feel like I have somehow contributed positively to the world even if in very little measure and also it makes me feel part of a little community and as such I feel less alone. So I want to thank all the people that have left those messages. I consider you elective friends , friends of affinity. Thank you for taking the time to write to me and thank you for listening. I will continue to put all my heart and soul in my little 'creatures".  You being there makes them grow too.


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