New Projects on the rise...

So this year has started with too many projects and too many possibilities. Of course this is better than not enough stuff to do but I seem to swing between not having enough to do and having too much... well it's been two years since I started writing new songs for the new album. I have enough material for two albums but the money is short so it will have to be a slow and long process and even then it will be a matter of selecting the best songs and only  recording them...

At the moment there are both Italian and English songs and this time there is a big change... I have a drummer involved , a double bass player and a violinist... so it's going to be quite different from "Pearl of Blood" . I feel I have moved on quite a lot since Pearl of Blood. The new songs are a bit less dark and melancholic while still on the chilled side. I do have a couple of numbers that are quite poppy but having said that my 'poppy' is probably still quite eccentric compared to the mainstream. Funnily enough those songs are the most popular but my least favourite.

So we are going to be recording the drums this february and then lay the rest of the tracks on top. I hope to be finished by this time next year. On top of this I do have (still) a couple of old albums that I want to remix... one is a band album from the New Zealand years and the other is an ambient album... I also am drumming a lot at present and that is likely to be taking some of my time.

Lately I have also collaborated with some Dance Labels and have been spurting out some tracks which apparently are being played in some obscure club in Germany... it is a very different kind of music from I what I normally do but I find it rewarding in its own way. I like to stretch myself and sing different genres, it keeps me interested I guess.

Well, another new year resolution is to keep this blog a bit more alive. My shift has changed a lot in the last 4 years and I guess I got a bit distracted. Hopefully I can keep the focus up...


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